【病   史】 本例為一名8歲的男孩,因 “臭脚"三個星期,由他父親帶來看我. 他父親發現男孩足底皮膚有異,但並不痕癢. 男孩雙足長時間患有多汗症. 【皮膚學檢查】皮損分佈於雙足受壓部位 – 主要是大趾(腹面),其次為其他脚趾的腹面以及前足受壓部. 皮損在角質層形成猶如火山口狀的凹陷.有些凹陷不融合,有些則互相融合,腐蝕大片角質層. 有些受累區域(如大趾腹面)的角質層完全水化(由於多汗症) 變成白色.

【診   斷】基於臨床表現.菌絲KOH制劑檢查陰性.伍德氏光檢查並不出現珊瑚紅螢光.有些醫生可能作細菌培養以排除S.aureus,GAS或P.aerugiosa感染.

【預   防】避免穿不透氣的鞋袜.用Benzoyl peroxide洗脚和消毒酒精gel外敷.

【治   療】 本病因微小球菌腐蝕角化增厚的皮膚引起.首先要治療雙足的多汗症和穿透氣的鞋. 洗澡後外塗 Benzoyl peroxide gel, 每日一次,共7天. 外用erythromycin或clindamycin溶液,每日二次,共7天. 外塗Fusidate或mupirocin葯膏. 外用抗真菌葯(clotrimazole,miconazole或econazole)也可能有效. 如局部治療無效,可服用抗生素Macrolide類或tetracycline,共7天.

Case History:

This was a 8 year old boy. He was brought to see my by his father. His father said the boy had 3 weeks history of foot odor. When he examine his boy’s feet, he found abnormal skin changes in his boy’s soles. The boy did not complain of itchiness of feet. He had a long history of hyperhidrosis of both feet.

Clinical findings:

On examination, the lesions were distributed on the pressure-bearing areas of his feet – mainly big toe (ventral aspect), also on the ventral aspect of other toes, and also on the pressure-bearing areas of the fore-foot. The skin lesions were crater-like pits in stratum corneum. Some of the pits remain discrete while some of them become confluent, forming large areas of eroded stratum corneum. Some of the involved areas (eg. ventral aspect of big toe) were white when stratum corneum was fully hydrated (due to hyperhidrosis).


Diagnosis was made based on the clinical findings. KOH preparation was negative for hyphae. Wood lamp examination did not show bright coral-red fluorescence. Some doctors might do culture to rule out S. aureus, or GAS or P. aeruginosa infections


This condition is caused by Kytococcus sedentarius which causes defects in thickly keratinized skin with eroded its of variable depth. Predisposition: Hyperhidrosis of feet and occlusive footwear.

To prevent the condition, patient is asked to avoid occlusive footwear. Wash with benzoyl peroxide and put on antiseptic alcohol gel.

Topical therapy: Benzoyl peroxide gel daily after showering for 7 days. Topical erthyromycin or clindamycin solution twice daily for 7 days. Fusidate ointment or mupirocin ointment or cream. Topical anti-fungal (eg. clotrimazole, miconazole or econazole) might also work.

If the topical therapy doesn’t work, we can start systemic antibiotic therapy : a Macrolide or a tetracycline for 7 days.


醫學名稱:Pitted Keratolysis ; keratolysis plantare sulcatum;足蹠蠹蝕症;凹陷性角質溶解症;點狀角質層分離症



致病原因:為細菌感染皮膚表層角質層所引起。病原菌大多是由棒狀桿菌屬(Corynebacterium 、actinomyces或Streptomyces)、Dermatophilus congolensis 或微小球菌(Micrococcus sedentarius (now renamed to Kytococcus sedentarius,))。這些細菌能製造與分泌蛋白質酵素溶解,破壞皮膚角質層,於是腳底皮膚出現肉眼可見的類似珊瑚礁或的像火山口凹洞;此外,因細菌分解角質蛋白中的硫,會散發類似阿摩尼亞味道,才導致散發惡臭。



治療:治療上,主要是以殺菌的外用抗生素藥膏(erythromycin 或 clindamycin藥膏或benzoyl peroxide藥膏)合併止汗劑(20% aluminum chloride solution)為主,兩周內即可痊癒;極少的狀況下,才需要口服藥(erythromycin)。此外,最常用來治療香港腳的imidazole藥膏不僅抗黴菌,對於凹陷性角質溶解症也有效。


After a week’s medical treatment, there was significant improvement of the condition. However, recurrence was common because the boy had hyperhidrosis of feet and he needed to wear shoes/runners to school.




監督及指導機構 – 英國威爾斯大學/卡的夫大學臨床皮膚科專科部門


膚科醫生常見皮膚問題 – 窩狀角質鬆解症, 足蹠蠹蝕症