經抗真菌药物治療後,皮損迅速消退. 紅斑性斑塊及脫屑完全消失, 仍暫留下炎症後的色素加深; 已經沒有痕癢.

After treatment with anti-fungal, the skin lesion has resolved quickly. The erythematous papules and plaques and the scaling have all gone. What’s left is the post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. It is no more itchy.

治療前: 紅斑性丘疹斑塊伴有中度脫屑.

Before treatment : erythematous papules coalesce into plaques with moderate scaling. Advancing edges with some central clearing.


皮膚科醫生常見皮膚病 – 癬。